Saturday, February 12, 2011


What you see below is my account on social interactions written when I was 16, 2 years ago, to reflect my thoughts on something which was bothering me at that moment. It has to do a lot with the post which comes above; so I thought Ill cite it here as well.
I have came to believe that the society - referring to people around you - see you the way you see yourself. If a girl thinks she is pretty and acts like she is then other girls and many guys will be convinced of that as well. If a guy is all everything - hot, strong, smart whatever but he has no confidence whatsoever then people won't notice him as anything special. On the contrary if someone who is not that great is fully confident of themselves and project that confidence on those around them then people will only notice the best of the qualities they possess.

However there is a majority of people who see themselves the way others see them. If everyone will think you are a loser - then guess what, that's what you will become (unless any special unaccountable factors occur). If everyone tell a girl she is pretty then that's what she will be convinced of and vice versa.

With the above two points being true - what do we get? You see yourself as the society sees you which sees you as you see yourself? A never-ending circle where we have two dependent variables and not one independent. However somehow people still have an opinion about themselves and others. So what comes out from all this is that you have two choices - whether you will let others decide what you are and see it their way or you decide what you are first and let others see you that way as well. This shows that you are in control of your life if you choose to take that control - its your choice whether you are a passenger or a driver. So no matter how someone feels at the moment and no matter how screwed up people think they are and how unaccepted they are - they can always turn this around if they feel bold enough to. You are in control to make things better.

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