Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Corporative Presidency

I am replying to his video which can be found here:

I cannot say that it concerns me too much, but I do find it in a way interesting, in a way alarming. Once again, I am talking about Donald Trump stepping up to the presidential campaign.

One thing that all need to comprehend is that leading a corporation and leading a nation are two different endeavorers, with two different types of politics and leadership needed. Donald seems to misunderstand that.

It is called Donald Trump Gives Profanity-Laced Speech.

I do not care he uses strong language to portray his would-be strong points in front of an adult audience. It is what he says which concerns me.

"We build a road. We build a school. They blow it up. We build another road. We build another school. They blow it up again." he says in the first part of the video. Even assuming that every single road and every single school which US helped build elsewhere blew up, which I never even heard of once, Trump has a solution of using money on strictly domestic purposes. His solution to the education crisis in US is that instead of reforming and budgeting - take funds out of impoverished nations and keep them to ourselves, so we can mis-budget them again but at least build a school here. In corporations it works to keep the profit all for once self. In politics, strong nations have responsibility in front of the weaker ones.

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