Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Trinity Church, New York

At the very heart of New York, this den of modern values and symbol of the current era, is located - or more correctly, squeezed, a lone piece of land existing outside of time. Not money, faith rules here - but what is faith in the financial capital of the world and a city of worldly opportunities? It is something long forgotten, often hidden, even buried. Yet here, among the shining mirror towers, stands one in the style of the Gothic Revival architecture. It's not just a contrast with its surroundings, it is a daring challenge. A challenge to the city, a challenge to each individual to pause and realize the meaninglessness of the surrounding fuss. Believers will remember God, nonbelievers will remember that in the end, the king and the jester are both buried in one and the same land. 

At one point, the Church was the tallest building in New York. But as religious values grow pale in modern people, this Church has also lost its supremacy in 1890 to the New York World Building. However, the inexorable hand of progress could not reach to wipe out this tacit reminder amidst a great city. 

The Church has history. The land for its construction was purchased in the year 1696. I will not recount all of its long story, for those interested - read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinity_Church_(Manhattan)
But lastly, I will stress that if you are ever in New York - do not forget to visit this corner outside of time, you will not regret it. 

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