For a long time, I was confused about the nature of Twitter. Upon discovery, I saw no reason why anyone would use the damn thing. It seemed like a tool where you post updates on where you are and what you are doing, something most people would not care about - especially if you do not belong to the limited celebrity elite.
Now I perceive it with a whole new perspective, one influenced by my dad and by my other interests. I now see that Twitter is unique in that it is a tool very similar to a camera, except it uses words instead of pixels to capture images. It is street photography re-invented; images of everyday life, images of something extraordinary, images of something that some person out there thinks is important.
It is said that one picture is worth a thousand words. Indeed, a photograph can evoke more emotions and portray more than 140 characters could ever aspire to. Yet Twitter has something up its sleeve. Using words, it can reach further into the mind – perhaps not the soul, but into the mind. It can take pictures not only of the surrounding, but it can take a snapshot of one’s ideas in their pure form – not ones abstractly applied on scenery.
Twitter is not superior to photography; I really think it’s not. Yet it is different. And it is a tool which can be used when one needs to express themselves not on a routine level, but even deeper.
That is just Twitter on an individual perspective. I can dedicate a whole new post about the collective power of Twitter on society and the world, how it changes communications and news. That is for another day, perhaps.
P.S. It would make sense for me to give a link to my Twitter. It's not ready yet :)
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