Turn back. I see the sun shining on the grass as I run with my dog, being only 7. A flash of light and I am in a locker room, age 12, changing to go skiing with my friends, kids just like me. Another flash of light, a bright one – behind which I cannot see all the years that pass by, and I am in gr. 9. Asking a girl to go out with me. Wait! Where am I now?? Oh. I am now in university. A year of university is almost complete.
Sometimes I think that life is just starting. I am going to complete university and readily enter the workforce where all will be well. I will advance in corporate positions, acquiring skills necessary for success, then leave and start my own business. More importantly, start a family. That is when I will be happy.

18 x 4 = 72. I lived a quarter of my life before 72 years and it seems like nothing happened! I remember events and I remember many of them, but what do I have to account for these years? What have I done? I do not remember. Perhaps, a part of my life was wasted watching TV. A part wasted on the internet. A part wasted in school. These parts do not seem to add up to 160,000 of hours that I have lived so far.
As I get older, I remember less and less about what I did and what happens to me. It seems like time accelerates. When I was little, I remember how the year 1998 just wouldn’t end for me. I kept asking mommy – is it 1999 yet? Is it? Time crawled. Now I look back and do not realize how 2008 all of a sudden became 2011. I am not afraid of death, probably. I do not believe in fearing death. But I am afraid of the fact that I am accelerating towards it, through my changing perception of time. I am not scared of death but I am scared of the end of life, or rather of the end of life before it becomes meaningful. I am afraid of a waste of potential given to me at birth, the potential to change something.
Friends fade and appear. I left an impact on others just like others have left an impact on me. I am leaving my own trace through life. I cannot see it though. It seems that the trace has just started. Yet, a big part of it is already complete and cannot be returned to.
These thoughts aren’t new. I began being concerned about my age and how quickly I pass through life when I was in gr. 10. I remember that it hit me acutely one night in gr. 10, December 2007. That was a scary night. I woke up, sat up and couldn’t calm down for I have just realized that I am going to die. That moment I realized the finite nature of my earthly existence. Since then, the realization has faded. Yet, on occasion, it comes back crystal clear.
All I have is to hope. To hope that the next part of my life will be more meaningful. That I will have the chance to do more, to have greater importance. To have an answer when someone asks: what have you done?
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