Saturday, March 26, 2011

9/11 Is a Bunch of Bullshit? No.

"I really think the war on terror is a bunch of bullshit ... 9/11 building 7 did they really pull it"
- Lupe Fiasco, "Words I Never Said"

I greatly respect Lupe Fiasco. That is because unlike many other rappers, he does not rap about "bitches, money, fame". He raps about real issues to which he attracts public attention. While he remains as an artist relatively unexplored by me, I do appreciate his songs Little Weapon about child soldiers and the above Words I Never Said about the US.

There are many previous instances when I have encountered a theory that the 9/11 was a setup by the Americans themselves. It was definitely beneficial to the Bush Administration to create a commotion and give themselves an excuse to go into Iraq 2 years later (an excuse which they needed to seize the powerful oil resources), a casus belli of a sort. Not only Iraq, but justification of tapping phones and a decrease of privacy (and thus an increase in government's power) were all in favor of Bush. At least, it was beneficial for them to not stop the attacks, even if they did not plan it themselves. People who fear are easier to manipulate. CIA already had allegations, those which went beyond conspiracies into becoming proven facts, that they have close ties with the Al Quaeda in the past. These ties include training the terrorists and ordering employees to avoid stopping the terrorists under a threat of legal action. This is all documented in legitimate law cases.

Nevertheless. I say it's not 9/11, it's the conspiracy theories that are bullshit. People have always had a tendency to develop conspiracies, this is a goldmine for them. I disagree that 9/11 was a setup. On a personal basis, my whole being just rejects the notion that Bush, however unpopular and selfish he was, would permit the killing of so many people.

Conspiracists pose the notion that the US Government is a puppet to someone else's interests, a secret society or something of that sort. There is a group which I particularly believe controls the US Government. It is not the Bilderberg Group, Freemasons or the Illuminati, it is the very close Wall Street. Financial grasp on the Government's throat is firm, I will prove it in a later post. It has been this way since the assassination of JFK. Now if anyone woul have a counter-interest in the bombing of the financial towers then it'd be Wall Street, shaken by the blow to the economy. Perhaps, I do not see something. Perhaps, a short-term blow is justified by long-term gains for the white-collared men and women. Still, I just reject the notion of a 9/11 setup as a whole so I do not want to venture there.

I am not anti-american. Not at all. I do realize that a lot of things are f***ed up though, I just do not think that it has gotten that bad yet. Nor do I think that it will.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Opportunism vs. Friendship, Personal Tale

Today, I had to make a choice which I have not made before, one requiring the application of my personal principles in a setting unusual to my life. I want to reflect on that choice, particularly because I know that in the future I might have to make it again.
First, the setup. In my university, there is this extra-curricular club. Its purpose is to improve public speaking abilities of its members: an innate strength of mine which I actively attempt to take to further heights. The club taps into an interest of mine I had from grade 5; it’s as if it was built for me. The first and only meeting I went to got me very excited about becoming a member.
I never ended up becoming such. One of my friends, for the purpose of confidentiality – Amanda, decided that she is uncomfortable with me joining. She was already a member and threatened to leave the club if I joined, upon the preposition of shyness. I understood and abandoned the club, like I think a good friend should. I gave her the green light and gave up the club I liked the most of all I have been in so far. It was worth it though, for the sacrifice has been done for a close friend.
My plan was to join the beloved club in the next year. To make up for lost time, I was going to apply for an executive position. I wanted to become executive of this club specifically because it is something I feel passionate about, something I really want to commit to. I also see it as one of the few opportunities for me to make it on an executive team anywhere, because I have not been too active in any clubs or societies and do not like most of the ones offered.
Well, these plans were also meant to go down the garbage aisle. Amanda messaged me on Skype, asking to help her on her application. I expressed full willingness to help her in whatever way I can. When I proclaimed that I want to apply as well, Amanda encouraged me to go ahead if I want but if I will go ahead then she will drop out. Same reason, a random streak of shyness – not present in any other classes or activities we have together. Again!!
I was faced with a dilemma. Take the opportunity which I wanted more than her, or give the opportunity to her who was there first, and who was my friend.
There were a plethora of reasons for me to deny the opportunity to her and just take it. I believe that rewards go to those who grab them. Those who are not adaptable enough – miss out. I believe that friends should not obstruct ways for each other [which either one of the choices would do], they let the best one win and pull the other one up. I am also more passionate about the club. I may not get another chance to satisfy my ambitions of becoming an executive in another club, a fear of mine. Finally, as suggested by Amanda herself and probably because of the reasons above – the club will probably benefit more with me in the position.
I made the decision to once again step down. I let my friends stay, despite the fact that she practically pushed me out of the competition that way. Why? My personal philosophy, supported by my Christian religion, is that interests of others come before one’s own. You should gravitate away from selfish decisions (sin) towards the selfless ones. This friend of mine, Amanda – has a special status which has been granted by me to only five/six non-family members so far, in my entire memory. This status is one that is based on gratitude (feeling on which the strongest bonds within me are built), and is one in which the person’s interests take an almost absolute priority over mine, and to whose success I have a goal of actively contributing despite the self-harm that might inflict. Basically, to summarize: vast sacrifice, something I grew to be particularly fond of throughout my lifetime. Such a status required me giving away the possibility of my own growth for hers, and it is worth it 700%. Last mentioned but not the least was my desire for her to succeed. I really do wish her the best and if she gets the position – that will be a step towards that best. I’ll figure something out for myself.
I made a choice of friend over opportunity. I am sure it was a right choice. Opportunity was big, friendship would be unhindered if I took it, but I still made the right choice. I absolutely do not blame Amanda for her feeling shy about me being in the club – it’s just what is natural her. I wish her best of luck in attaining what I believe she can - the executive position.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Too often we forget, being caught up in routine and the competition to survive within this economically driven world. The competition to look better than the next, the competition to provide for yourself and your family. Ultimately all competition ends at one point, rich or poor. At that point, looking back - will it matter how much money we accumulate? Or how much love we gave and received back? Will people look at the impact we left on lives or the balance on our bank account?

A kind of poetic image drawn by a street artist by the name of Banksy reminds us or the universal value of life. A life not measured in dollars, but a life measured in spirit.

Truth is, money are essential. Money are essential for feeding those who are dependent on you. For giving them opportunities to be happy, both in a materialistic and a spiritual sense.

Money are essential for making the impact on lives. People will look at the balance we have on our bank account. Many will look at how we use it. A millionaire can help people in Japan in crisis more than a poor person on the street. Wealth allows you to give more, to make a bigger difference.

It is easier for a camel to walk through a field full of thorns than for a rich man to enter heaven the Bible says. That means that while the money do matter, it is not their intrinsic value but how you use the money. Do not give up all your material possessions to become free and to search for happiness. Do not forget education and competition while giving love to those around you. But make that spirit spread through you, through your wealth. Love > money is wrong, because it presupposes that the two would be separate entities - and while money should not interfere with love, feelings must affect spending.

I encourage all to go here and do what you can. Thank you.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


This is the most serious post I wrote to this day.

I do not know how many of you are informed about what happened in Japan in the past few days. I will assume that most of you know what is happening and provide just a small reiteration, but for those who have not been keeping up with the news - search it on Google, because it is important to know what happens in the world. Despite national borders, we are all - humans.

The past few years have been heavy on disasters. Among the most recent ones are natural disasters in Haiti and Indonesia. The bloody revolution in Libya where bombs have been thrown on the citizens by Gadhafi - something that differentiates this revolution from the other recent ones. There are many more I can mention. Right now, I want to talk about Japan.

An 8.9 earthquake, the largest one in Japan and the fifth largest and recorded history, shook the island. It gave rise to a wave which was 30 feet tall and washed up much of the island. At the same time, a nuclear power plant was harmed so there is the threat of a nuclear disaster affecting the poor people who are already left without housing, without food and water, some without sons or daughters and other closest relatives.

I saw a page online which accumulated the recent posts made by some Americans. It does not show the badness of US or anything but it does show the stupidity of individuals when they say things like: Pearl Harbour Karma, that is what you get after 70 years and etc. Not only did they forget Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they also forgot the fundamental principals of humanity. The borders are artificial, they change all the time - what stays is our connection to each other. I do not want to sound like a hippie but I do believe that we are all connected through common roots, nature, spirituality - basically through being sentient humans.

I believe we must help. I know that the number of readers on my blog is currently low, the blog is new. But I want to do what I can. I am providing a number of links that one can follow to help the Japanese. The Japanese themselves have been amazing, the level of cooperation and the human bravery in terms of crisis is astounding. They help each other but they need help from others too. In the end, it does not come down to living in US or Canada, to living in Japan or Russia, it comes down to living on Earth which we share with others like us. We are not safe from disasters anywhere, and I believe that if something would happen to where I live then the world would help. A big part of the world would help. That is just what differentiates us from animals. Please donate or write about it somewhere where others can see. Spread awareness.

Help The Children - America's 7th most effective foundation, does not waste money on bureaucratic expenses above what's necessary. Donate on the top right corner for your money to go to those who need them more.

A link to UNICEF Canada because that is where I live, all links to UNICEF can be used though. A trustworthy and famous organization which will help those who need help - it just needs you.

Mercy Corps - uses helicopters to deliver food and medical supplies to families in the disaster struck zones. The money donated to not get lost in the hands of governments and organizations. They deliver food supplies to children, which would otherwise die without having even fully lived.

A Google crisis response center. Google is new in terms of being a foundation but I think it deserves a chance. So far they have proven to be innovative and efficient - perhaps that wil have an effect.

Other links:

Yahoo Post on how to help

A post on how to help.

To stay on top of what is happening, this website provides videos, images, and coverage.


UPDATE [Mar. 27; 2011]: I have been asked: what am I personally doing to help? It is indeed hypocritical of me to ask others to contribute if I myself do not do anything. While money are tight in the life of a student on residence, I have just recently purchased a t-shirt with $20. The t-shirt spreads awareness while the $20 go for the relief. It is not a lot - sure, but if everyone will help as much as they can then we can all make a big difference.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Perhaps It Is Too Early

Perhaps it is too early, for I am only 18. But my age, or rather the speed of aging – already hit me.

Turn back. I see the sun shining on the grass as I run with my dog, being only 7. A flash of light and I am in a locker room, age 12, changing to go skiing with my friends, kids just like me. Another flash of light, a bright one – behind which I cannot see all the years that pass by, and I am in gr. 9. Asking a girl to go out with me. Wait! Where am I now?? Oh. I am now in university. A year of university is almost complete.

Sometimes I think that life is just starting. I am going to complete university and readily enter the workforce where all will be well. I will advance in corporate positions, acquiring skills necessary for success, then leave and start my own business. More importantly, start a family. That is when I will be happy.

Then I think back, and realize that I am almost two decades old. In my lifetime, so many things have changed. Nations fell and nations rose. The Internet has entangled the world in its sticky World Wide Web. What happened to me? I mature so much slower than the world. I have acquired a set of assets in the forms of languages and knowledge, lost a set of assets like innocence, youth and the ability to be amused by the simplest of things. I grew. And now I am 18.

18 x 4 = 72. I lived a quarter of my life before 72 years and it seems like nothing happened! I remember events and I remember many of them, but what do I have to account for these years? What have I done? I do not remember. Perhaps, a part of my life was wasted watching TV. A part wasted on the internet. A part wasted in school. These parts do not seem to add up to 160,000 of hours that I have lived so far.

As I get older, I remember less and less about what I did and what happens to me. It seems like time accelerates. When I was little, I remember how the year 1998 just wouldn’t end for me. I kept asking mommy – is it 1999 yet? Is it? Time crawled. Now I look back and do not realize how 2008 all of a sudden became 2011. I am not afraid of death, probably. I do not believe in fearing death. But I am afraid of the fact that I am accelerating towards it, through my changing perception of time. I am not scared of death but I am scared of the end of life, or rather of the end of life before it becomes meaningful. I am afraid of a waste of potential given to me at birth, the potential to change something.

Friends fade and appear. I left an impact on others just like others have left an impact on me. I am leaving my own trace through life. I cannot see it though. It seems that the trace has just started. Yet, a big part of it is already complete and cannot be returned to.
These thoughts aren’t new. I began being concerned about my age and how quickly I pass through life when I was in gr. 10. I remember that it hit me acutely one night in gr. 10, December 2007. That was a scary night. I woke up, sat up and couldn’t calm down for I have just realized that I am going to die. That moment I realized the finite nature of my earthly existence. Since then, the realization has faded. Yet, on occasion, it comes back crystal clear.

All I have is to hope. To hope that the next part of my life will be more meaningful. That I will have the chance to do more, to have greater importance. To have an answer when someone asks: what have you done?