Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Plus One

Recently I have stumbled upon this thing called Google Plus. As soon as I have, it began appearing everywhere. And right after I thought Facebook would not have a replacement for another 5 years at least.

It is no secret that Google takes what exists then buys it and improves it, or makes the same thing except better. This strategy has worked for them and resulted in some amazing products. I am blogging on Blogger while listening to a song I'm playing on YouTube, both my favorite Google products.

Well now, a new sensation - Google Plus! A number of my friends have registered on it already. An avid Google fan myself, I was planning to as well. To my surprise, the network only allowed the first 10 million people to register and the rest have to wait while it has finished its beta "field testing." Sad.

It is unusual for social networks to deny access to them. I know about private social networks for elite groups of rich people, where you can only join if you have a number of references from existing members, have a 7 digit income or are a significant a-list celebrity. I understand the whole field testing thing, perhaps it makes sense to not let too many people join until you know for sure that you haven't screwed up. Yet, I can imagine that a whole lot of people who would join right now with the initial hype arousing, will not go back in the future.

That is up to Google to decide. I just see a very powerful alternative to Facebook on the horizon. I have read about its capabilities and features, it seems to be by far more socially orientated rather than Facebook which encourages profile seclusion. Unlike Facebook, or the now fallen titan MySpace, it is also closely related to the real life. You know, the one away from the computer screen? Hard to imagine nowadays. Yet Google tries to deliver its online social network as a tool of planning and organizing your real social life better. At least, so it seems.

I think it is very important that we take a step back into reality. Will it happen? I doubt it. I just know that once the network opens up once again, I will get an email and will be sure to join it.

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