Sunday, May 1, 2011

Death of Osama Bin Laden

Literally 30 minutes ago it has been announced by a confidential source that Osama was killed by "an asset" and his body was recovered and is in possession of the US government.

This is what is said by a news source (The Sydney Morning Herald):

WASHINGTON — Al-Qaida mastermind Osama bin Laden is dead and the United States has his body, a person familiar with the developments says. CNN and other news organizations are reporting the same information.
President Barack Obama was expected to make that announcement from the White House late Sunday night.
The person spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to speak ahead of the president.
CNN reports that bin Laden's was killed by a U.S. "asset" and that his body was recovered from a mansion outside Islamabad, Pakistan.

Wikipedia was quick to announce the death date on its page, saying roughly April 24th. Whether Osama was a spawn of evil or a misguided man, he has been involved in the deaths of thousands. While I think it is wrong to celebrate a death of a man, many Americans may release a sign of relief.

I am personally cautious about these news. Ill leave out the factor of conspiracy, even though the government can have many reasons to falsely announce the death of Osama. To justify war and the fact that Obama failed to quickly pull out all forces, to show the success of his administration, to calm down the American public in face of the recent terrorist attacks that happened around the world. Okay, let's say the news are real.

What I am afraid will become a common misconception is that now America may find rest in knowledge that such a great threat has been eliminated. I believe not. Osama only posed threat as the leader of Al-Qaida. An organization which will not cease to exist with his death. An organization which has a rigid hierarchy and while there might be some battle for power, eventually another terrorist will come as its head. They will want revenge on US for killing their leader - I mean, history repeats itself. I will not remember the name now, but a certain terrorist leader was killed by Russians and a series of Moscow metro bombings and maybe others ensued.

Perhaps the leader of evil was killed but until evil stops existing, there will come a new leader. So this is not a great victory of Americans. It is just a small stepping stone on a path to secure the safety of the American public.

When writing this post I thought that perhaps my thoughts on the matter are too trivial and will be judged as too shallow. Maybe. I do want to offer my perspective though.